What Is a Hydrafacial?

How a hydrafacial from your dermatologist in Royal Oak, MI, can help your skin

Have you heard about hydrafacial? It’s a revolutionary facial technique to rehydrate your skin. Most facials work only on the surface, but hydrafacial works differently, flowing into the deeper layers of your skin, to renew and revitalize your appearance. Dr. O’Neal Koger Jr. of Koger Dermatology in Royal Oak, MI, provides a wide range of skincare services, including hydrafacials to help your skin.

You can benefit from a hydrafacial if you have skin that is aging, dry, tired, dull, or prone to acne breakouts. When you choose a hydrafacial, you will experience a completely new kind of facial, with three important steps to help your skin:

In step one, your skin is thoroughly exfoliated to remove dead skin cells, debris, and excess oil, so moisture can penetrate more deeply into your skin.

In step two, whiteheads, blackheads, and other blemishes are extracted from your skin, to further aid moisture penetrating into your pores.

In step three, special hydrating serums are applied. These nutrient enriched serums penetrate the deeper layers of your skin.

A hydrafacial uses vortex-fusion technology, which combines a vacuum system with serum infusion, to give you glowing, younger-looking skin. The entire hydrafacial process takes about 30 minutes. A hydrafacial doesn’t require any downtime, so you can even come in on a lunch hour for a revitalizing, rejuvenating experience.

A hydrafacial will give you the beautiful skin you deserve because it:

  • Cleans and refreshes your skin
  • Plumps up your skin, making it more supple
  • Evens out your skin tone

You can maintain optimal results with regular hydrafacial sessions. Your dermatologist may recommend maintenance sessions every few weeks. To discover more about a hydrafacial and how it can help your skin, call Dr. O’Neal Koger Jr. at Koger Dermatology in Royal Oak, MI. You can reach him in the office by calling (248) 435-6622, so call now.

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