What Is Microneedling Good For?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive practice for improving the appearance of your skin, one that's becoming more and more popular as it gains influence among celebrities. But in spite of its growing popularity, you may still wonder what exactly microneedling is, how it works, and how it can benefit you. Some of these topics will be explored below but if you'd like to learn more you can reach out directly to your local Royal Oak, MI, skin care specialists, Dr. O’Neal Koger and Dr. Rhodonna Anderson of Koger Dermatology.


The procedure is performed by using a device that creates miniature injuries with very small needles on your skin in order to promote the body's own regenerative properties. The treatment stimulates collagen production in your skin and can result in many benefits.


With age, the body produces less and less collagen on its own, it's why microneedling can be so beneficial to jumpstart the body's own natural effects. It can leave your skin feeling smoother, firmer, and tighter, it can also improve your skin tone and appearance, making it look smoother and younger.

Besides making your skin look younger, many seek treatment for other types of skin conditions such as scarring, pigmentation, and sun damage, among others.

How It Works

Before the treatment your doctor applies numbing cream onto your skin to reduce discomfort, the entire procedure takes only around 2 hours and is done typically within the office and without much, if any, downtime after.

Some irritation and redness are common after the treatment, especially after the first few days, but it's all part of the body's natural response. Your skin will be more sensitive to the sun, so it's very important to avoid direct exposure and to use sunscreen when you must. Your skin will show results quickly, although certain conditions may require multiple sessions for maximum effect.

Microneedling in Royal Oak, MI

If you are interested in the many benefits of microneedling in or around the area of Royal Oak, MI, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Koger and Dr. Anderson of Koger Dermatology (248) 435-6622.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm



