What Causes Cysts?

How your dermatologist in Royal Oak, MI, can treat a cyst

Cysts are a common skin problem, which can cause you to become self-conscious. Most cysts aren't painful, but they can be unsightly. Fortunately, most cysts can be treated by your dermatologist. Dr. O’Neal Koger Jr. of Koger Dermatology in Royal Oak, MI, provides comprehensive skincare services, including cyst removal.

A cyst is an elevated nodule that is filled with fluid, oil, or other substances. You can develop a cyst due to:

  • Infection
  • Clogged pores
  • A foreign substance

There are several types of cysts your dermatologist can treat, including:

Cysts due to acne–these can be caused by hormonal changes, or if bacteria, oil, and skin cells clog your pores. 

Folliculitis–this is an ingrown hair cyst caused by a hair follicle that has grown down or sideways, instead of outward. 

Pilar cyst–these form on the scalp and are caused by protein buildup around the hair follicle. 

Sebaceous cyst–these form on the face, neck, or torso and are caused by trauma to a sebaceous gland.

Epidermoid cyst–these can form on the face, head, neck, back, or genitals and are caused by keratin buildup underneath the skin. 

Your dermatologist may recommend removing the cyst depending on the type and location of the cyst. Whether the cyst is causing pain, inflammation, or infection will also determine if removal is necessary.

If removal is necessary, the entire cyst and cyst capsule are removed so the cyst doesn’t grow back. To remove a cyst, your dermatologist will:

  • Numb the area around the cyst
  • Make a small incision in your skin
  • Remove the entire cyst capsule through the opening
  • Close the surgical area with sutures

The cyst tissue may be sent to a lab for biopsy to determine whether the cyst is benign, precancerous, or cancerous.

To learn more about the causes and treatment of cysts, talk with an expert–your dermatologist. Call Dr. O’Neal Koger Jr. of Koger Dermatology in Royal Oak, MI. You can reach him in the office by calling (248) 435-6622, so call today.

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