What To Expect During a Chemical Peel

Many people assume a chemical peel is just for acne. Not so. A chemical peel improves the look of fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, sun damage, and more. Dr. O’Neal Koger Jr. from Koger Dermatology provides chemical peels in Royal Oak, MI, one of our more popular cosmetic facial treatments.

What Is a Chemical Peel?

This facial treatment consists of applying gentle chemicals to the surface of your skin. These chemicals dissolve the outermost layer of skin. Then, over the following days, the outer layer of skin peels away, revealing brighter, fresher, younger-looking skin.

Is There Preparation I Need To Be Aware of for a Chemical Peel?

Certain preparatory actions in the days before your chemical peel in Royal Oak, MI are recommended. These preparatory actions are:

  1. Refraining from using exfoliant treatments. Chemicals used in at-home treatments generally don't react well when they come in contact with the chemicals used in your chemical peel treatment. They might cause a reaction to occur that causes more damage.
  2. Staying very hydrated.
  3. It may be necessary for you to stop taking certain medications for a day or two. Please be sure to inform your dermatologist of all the medications that you are on. 
  4. Skip the gym on the morning of your treatment. Circulation is drastically increased after exercise and will cause your skin to be hypersensitive.
  5. Planning is key. Allow for adequate healing to take place, a chemical peel should be scheduled several weeks before an upcoming event.

What Is the Procedure Like?

The chemical peel itself is a simple, non-invasive treatment that causes minimal discomfort.

The first step involves thoroughly cleaning the skin using a special prep solution. This removes surface oils and allows for the chemicals used in your peel to penetrate the skin evenly.

The next step is the application of the chemical peel solution. You and your dermatologist will choose from several solution mixtures. These solutions are categorized by how deep they penetrate your skin. Dr. Koger will guide you in choosing the best one to achieve the results that you want.

Last, the peel remains on your skin for a few minutes, during which time you may feel mild tingling or burning. The chemicals in the peel produce a 'controlled wound' on the skin. The result is the emergence of brighter, younger-looking skin.

Are There Aftercare Requirements?

Your skin looks and feels the most intense for the first few days following your procedure. You can expect sensitivity and redness similar to a sunburn. As the redness fades, your skin begins to peel, similar to a peeling sunburn. During this phase of healing, avoid the sun and apply a high SPF sunblock whenever outside. Adequate hydration is essential during this stage, as well as using gentle, hydrating facial cleansers.

Contact Us

Treat yourself to a chemical peel in Royal Oak, MI! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Koger at Koger Dermatology by calling (248) 435-6622.

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