Why Should You Be Interested in a Chemical Peel?

If you want a chemical peel done, you should consult with Dr. O’Neal Koger Jr., of Koger Dermatology Anderson Foot Care in Royal Oak, MI.

Why Should You Be Interested in a Chemical Peel?

There are different ways to address skin blemishes.

More often than not, people will purchase products to improve the condition of their skin. The aforementioned products are effective, but it may take a long time for their results to take effect.

Surgery is another option if you want to get rid of some skin blemishes. Of course, plenty of people would prefer to avoid surgery as much as possible.

Given the disadvantages of those two potential solutions, it’s not hard to see why more and more people have taken an interest in chemical peels.

Chemical peels don’t present the risk that surgery does. On top of that, you don’t have to keep undergoing chemical peels to see visible results. The results should be evident following a single session.

The accessibility of chemical peels is also one of its main selling points. Many dermatologists offer chemical peels. Patients do have to abide by certain guidelines before getting this procedure done, but they are not restrictive.

You also should not overlook the effectiveness of chemical peels. They are useful for addressing discoloration, wrinkles, and scars. Even the patches of your skin that feel uneven can be restored by a chemical peel.

Get your chemical peel done with the help of Dr. Koge of Koger Dermatology in Royal Oak, MI.

What Are the Types of Chemical Peels?

Patients can choose to undergo one of three types of chemical peels. The options include light chemical peels, medium chemical peels, and deep chemical peels.

Light peels are effective against acne, some discolored spots, and fine wrinkles. These procedures can be done quickly and recovery is similarly fast. You may be able to wear makeup the day after you had a light peel.

Medium peels target more visible wrinkles, discolored patches of skin, and scars that people develop due to acne. You should also get a medium peel if you want a more rejuvenated look. Recovery time from a medium peel is usually one week.

Lastly, deep peels are great for deep scars, wrinkles, and certain skin growths. However, it may take your skin months to fully heal from a deep peel. Unlike light and medium peels, you only need to undergo a deep peel once to experience all of its benefits.

Call (248) 435-6622 and book a chemical peel session with Dr. Koger of Koger Dermatology in Royal Oak, MI.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm



